Monday, April 18, 2011

Screen Printing

This is the screen printing project we did.  For this one I took an image of my cat Nala sleeping curled up and then created shapes that show that in illustrator with the pen tool.  Then we went to the print studios and learned about how to make the screens and how to print and ultimately how to also wash the equipment.  The colour I picked was mostly yellow with a little red and a lot of transparency so it would come out pretty light.  It came out how I wanted which is a combination between my cat's tan fur and her yellow eyes, leaning more towards the yellow eyes because tan is harder to make in colour and I made three different prints from it.  The whole process was really fun and interesting and I hope I can do more printing in the future. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photoshop Enviornment

For this project we had to create an enviornment in photoshop using images and textures that we had gathered.  We had to use the skills we learned in class about the different tools of photoshop.  It was actually kind of a fun project because you got to use a lot of different and interesting things to create one picture.  I chose to use a photograph i took of a castle in germany and a picture I took at my Grandparen'ts at the beach there in NC.  I thought how they ended up going together looked cool because it looked like a sand castle and was kind of a play on that.  I used feathers for the trees and fabric in the sky lightly.  I also used a wood texture over the castle itself.