Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lecture 3/22

The lecture today was about where to find the courses and the requirements for all the majors online.  Gerard showed everyone how to get to the information and find it all, you know what i mean.  It was very informative and good because I had been recently giving it much thought about what to do next year and then on.  I'm pretty much certain I'll go into Fibers so I know I need to take those classes but I really want to get some General Education courses done this summer at BCCC.  Apparently you have to be 50 miles away or something and talk to the gen ed advisors and things like that which all sounds rather complex but I guess I will eventually figure that all out.  I just don't want to be over stressed out from Gen Ed courses while I'm trying to focus on my art projects. 

photoshop painting

For this project we had to take a drawing or collage or something like that and scan it into the computer.  Then we had to draw on top of it and stuff with the brushes on photoshop.  It was basically an introduction to photoshop learning how to use the brush and some of the other tools that are on it.  I did a drawing of my cat and then edited it and made it different and look a little better on photoshop than my marker drawing. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Illustrator face project

Here is my scanner face illustrator project.  We had to scan our face and then use the pen tool and stuff on illustrator to make it with shapes.  I thought the process was very long and tedious.  I really like illustrator just not working with my face.  I don't like to stare at my face for that many hours on end.  It was awful.  But it was good to learn how to use the tools and maybe one day if I get rich I can buy Illustrator and use it for more fun projects. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lecture 3/1

The lecture today was about glass and fibers and both had pretty interesting presentations.  It was a lot of information to take in for such a short amount of time.  Glass seems really complex to do with all those different tools and such but the things people were making were pretty cool.  I'm really interested in fibers more though because it's kind of what I've wanted to major in.  I wish the lecture didn't have to run so long but there was a lot of information about classes in the fibers department.  There seems to be a lot of different classes you can take and they all were cool in their own ways, especially nice to see the student work in the presentation.  So much information that my mind blanked for a bit.  I'm really excited for next semester and year now though.