Monday, April 18, 2011

Screen Printing

This is the screen printing project we did.  For this one I took an image of my cat Nala sleeping curled up and then created shapes that show that in illustrator with the pen tool.  Then we went to the print studios and learned about how to make the screens and how to print and ultimately how to also wash the equipment.  The colour I picked was mostly yellow with a little red and a lot of transparency so it would come out pretty light.  It came out how I wanted which is a combination between my cat's tan fur and her yellow eyes, leaning more towards the yellow eyes because tan is harder to make in colour and I made three different prints from it.  The whole process was really fun and interesting and I hope I can do more printing in the future. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photoshop Enviornment

For this project we had to create an enviornment in photoshop using images and textures that we had gathered.  We had to use the skills we learned in class about the different tools of photoshop.  It was actually kind of a fun project because you got to use a lot of different and interesting things to create one picture.  I chose to use a photograph i took of a castle in germany and a picture I took at my Grandparen'ts at the beach there in NC.  I thought how they ended up going together looked cool because it looked like a sand castle and was kind of a play on that.  I used feathers for the trees and fabric in the sky lightly.  I also used a wood texture over the castle itself. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lecture 3/22

The lecture today was about where to find the courses and the requirements for all the majors online.  Gerard showed everyone how to get to the information and find it all, you know what i mean.  It was very informative and good because I had been recently giving it much thought about what to do next year and then on.  I'm pretty much certain I'll go into Fibers so I know I need to take those classes but I really want to get some General Education courses done this summer at BCCC.  Apparently you have to be 50 miles away or something and talk to the gen ed advisors and things like that which all sounds rather complex but I guess I will eventually figure that all out.  I just don't want to be over stressed out from Gen Ed courses while I'm trying to focus on my art projects. 

photoshop painting

For this project we had to take a drawing or collage or something like that and scan it into the computer.  Then we had to draw on top of it and stuff with the brushes on photoshop.  It was basically an introduction to photoshop learning how to use the brush and some of the other tools that are on it.  I did a drawing of my cat and then edited it and made it different and look a little better on photoshop than my marker drawing. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Illustrator face project

Here is my scanner face illustrator project.  We had to scan our face and then use the pen tool and stuff on illustrator to make it with shapes.  I thought the process was very long and tedious.  I really like illustrator just not working with my face.  I don't like to stare at my face for that many hours on end.  It was awful.  But it was good to learn how to use the tools and maybe one day if I get rich I can buy Illustrator and use it for more fun projects. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lecture 3/1

The lecture today was about glass and fibers and both had pretty interesting presentations.  It was a lot of information to take in for such a short amount of time.  Glass seems really complex to do with all those different tools and such but the things people were making were pretty cool.  I'm really interested in fibers more though because it's kind of what I've wanted to major in.  I wish the lecture didn't have to run so long but there was a lot of information about classes in the fibers department.  There seems to be a lot of different classes you can take and they all were cool in their own ways, especially nice to see the student work in the presentation.  So much information that my mind blanked for a bit.  I'm really excited for next semester and year now though.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Floor Plan

This project we had to make a floor plan of our room or a dream room in adobe illustrator.  We used the tool that makes shapes mostly and whatever else we incorporated into the room.   For my room I did a dream room and made a wood floor with a carpet.  Then a desk and a dresser and a book shelf.  I also put a chair and a trash can and a computer, printer, tv, and lamps on some of the furniture.  I also included the star pillow that I have on the bed.  It was the first time I did anything like this and it was pretty weird working with the new tools but eventually it started to make sense and that's how it turned out like this. 

Monday, February 21, 2011


On Saturday this weekend I went with my Art History class to the Met!  We looked at many nice works of art from early on all the way to current day works.  We had to take notes on one work to write a paper on.  I decided on a Monet painting that I found to be really well done.  The use of colour to suggest lights and darks was very nice and it was really atmospheric.  I also had a good pretzel from a stand in front of the museum and a hot chocolate.  If the day hadn't been so windy it would've been nicer.  I just wish it didn't take all day to go on the trip because I lost a lot of homework time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lecture 2/15

Today's freshman lecture was about the painting and then photography majors.  The painting presentation was not very informative because all he talked about was paint and not really any career options within that field so it doesn't seem like a good one because of that.  The photography presentation was a little clearer because she talked about more specifically what you would be doing if you just take some courses in it and the usefulness of those courses.  Then about how professionals come in and do lectures or something like that.  Overall it wasn't the best lecture for information I think but it was okay.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I forgot to blog about the lecture last Tuesday until now so I think it will be about the work I'm doing right now.  As always, there is way too much homework for 2D class.  There's the game project due Tuesday, then the sketchbook and colour chart thing due Thursday.  Sure, she gave us 2 weeks for the sketchbook and all but with other classes work and the multiple projects we're doing in 2D it's nearly impossible to get it all done and still have time to eat and sleep.  I have a couple pages left on the sketchbook which I'll try to finish after I write this and I have to finish the game.  I have to put the title on it, the rules/the key, make the game pieces and finish the deck of cards.  Today was spent mostly on my drawing homework though so now tonight and tomorrow are going to be just for 2D homework and studying art history and reading/writing a paper for mosaics.  It doesn't help I've been feeling sick 2 weeks now.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Text Drawings

This is my first pattern test drawing, using the letter K.

This is one of the open ones, a pattern with B and O on top.
The next open one I did another pattern with I, O, and x.

This one is the keyboard drawing which was really hard to figure out what to do.  It's a bird.

This is the phrase one, i used a phrase from catcher in the rye because I read an article in TIME over the weekend on jd salinger and it's one of my favourite books.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This weekend I got to go home.  I was mostly able to relax but I did have drawing homework that I had to do because it's due Monday.  I got to go to Allegheny Art store in town.  I got the paper I needed for the drawing there and got some other supplies too.  They had the white artist tape I needed for just $6!  It was awesome.  Then I did my drawing, I picked green because it had to be just one colour.  I still have not done the other four text drawings due on Tuesday because I don't have the program here.  I plan on doing them today and tomorrow though. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Lecture 2/1

Today the freshmen lecture was about art education department and art history minor. The first part about art education was really boring because I do not intend to get a teaching certification with my BFA here.  The second part, my art history professor was the speaker and he talked about how to minor in art history along with the required art history courses to graduate as a BFA student.  I think I will definitely get a minor in art history because it only requires 2 more upper level art history courses.  I also really like art history so it will be nice to learn more.  Plus we got out 15 minutes early from lecture so I actually had enough time for lunch.  It was awesome. I wish it always ended just a little bit early so I don't have to rush so much.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pairings Homework

For this assignment I had to put images next to each other that relate.  The first pairing I picked was a chicken parm flat bread sammich  and a drawing of some tums.  I think they go together because unhealthy food can upset my tummy and other people's as well so tums are very useful for eating food like this. 
I chose the potato chips to pair with dental floss and oral pain relief gel scan because my teeth are highly sensitive so when I eat something like potato chips I need pain relief gel because it's very painful. Also they relate because unhealthy food like chips can rot teeth so you need to floss after eating it. 
The next pairing is a swifer cleaner and a hair comb.  I think they relate because both are used for a similar purpose.  A swifer is used to clean floors and make them look nice while a comb is used to make hair look nice.
The last pair I picked was a picture of my psp in it's case and a scan of a stuffed animal Marie kitty wrapped in a scarf.  These two relate because they are both an object inside another object.  Also they contrast nicely because a psp and case are both plastic and hard while the scarf and kitty are both fabric and soft.


The freshman lecture today was all about studying abroad and mostly about the Rome program.  I think studying abroad would be a good opportunity especially for art since you would get to see things in person that you can't see here.  There were many pictures of places in Rome in the presentation.  Then another person talked about studying abroad in general.  I would like to study abroad someday but as it is right now there is no way I will get to since my family and myself just don't have the money for it.  If I ever do get to study in another country I want to go back to Germany and I would also like to go to Japan since my friend went there and said how awesome it was.  Studying abroad is a great idea if you have the money to do it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Blog

I think I finally figured out how to blog on this site.  I've never blogged before so this is all new to me.  The first project was the daily routine thing and I realized while doing that, that I have a very boring daily routine but it was too cold for me to go out in the city and do anything else.  So it was hard to get all the pictures for this but I finished it somehow.  Well I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to write for now so that's it.